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Message par Plaristes Evariste Lun 22 Fév - 12:27

Extrait d'un conversation avec un pote :

Reddit Meming is aceptique.......
It is not that Funny.... But I have seen something really Funny.... Yesterday I watching one of the debate of friday 19 that began at 19H;
It was between a patriot who want to exit the EU, get our country back on rtack a partisan of white €urope !
And on the solution of unemployement he said (We identitarian have a solution against unemployement it is included within our deportation programm."
And in my head I immagine him continue :
"And if that doesn't work we will send all the employed to camp, yess and if they die there we can count on our german breatheren to suplly us in Cremation chamber with the German seal of quality."
And in the reality he continue to explain how this will work...
The guy EXPECT to WRECK 50% OF OUR LABOUR FORCE to render it scare enough for entreprise to concede to employee demands (Spoiler they will just go to ukrain...)
Like it is in this debate with Marine Le Pen, and Darmanin..... Where marine Le Pen was supposed to be the far right and Darmanin the cenetr right liberal.... And you realize that well Darmanin is so far right that nazi may be truly left wing compare to him.
It is like when Darmanin treat Marine Le pen of nazi it must surely mean leftist. XDXDXDDXD
I mean teh dude plan on genociding France up to 6 000 000 peopels by administrating euthanasy via Ritrovil.
At this point you might import the german oven and say that they are alreayd for the operation.... OMG.....
Finaly people realize !
You know that moment in puple Fiction where Jhon travolta give us a weird look.. everybody including Marine was like that.....

We might heal the wound , and avoid civil war between multiculturalism €uropéïste and partisan of the white €urope by converting them.........
Remarque could be worse that woke culture shit , it will cause dammage here, and even if we are not as in the deep shit as the U.S and avoid the Civil war predicted by Clouscard... (Clouscard predicted woke culture and told us it will lead to a civil war...), and it bring dammage in the U.S, BUUUTTTTT it not to teh point of north and south Korea XD !

Plaristes Evariste
Plaristes Evariste

Messages : 25190
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2020

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