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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par Ferdinand de Talmont Jeu 9 Déc - 14:47

Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Nexus_10

mars avril 2019 - avant le covid


Ferdinand de Talmont
Ferdinand de Talmont

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Re: Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par Plaristes Evariste Jeu 9 Déc - 15:31

L'épidémie a commencé en février 2019 !
Plaristes Evariste
Plaristes Evariste

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Date d'inscription : 04/06/2020

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Re: Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par Francis XV Jeu 9 Déc - 16:05

Oui et ?
Francis XV
Francis XV

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Re: Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par Plaristes Evariste Jeu 9 Déc - 18:19

As-tu bien tout regardé?

Another recent case, the newspaper reports, involves a 31-year-old Queens resident named Kevin Corrales. In late July he was in the back seat of a car heading to a Long Island beach when he started gasping for air. “It was terrifying,” he said. “I was really gasping. I should have been rushed to the hospital. They thought I was exaggerating.”
This is August 2019, which is what the Chinese are asking the Americans about: don’t you want to finish investigating all these incidents? There is just too much that happened at the same time!

The next event, “Event 201”, can in no way be classified as the product of some conspiracy theorists myths. Various reputable media have spent a long time chewing on it from many different angles. “Event 201” is the name of a pandemic exercise held on October 18, 2019 (it’s clear that it’s close to the beginning of coronavirus hysteria, but not immediately preceding it) in New York by the Johns Hopkins University Health Safety Center.
In addition to Johns Hopkins University, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation took part in organizing these high-level pandemic exercises.
I would like to draw your attention to the timing of these pandemic exercises. October 18, 2019 is an interesting date. It is close enough to the beginning of the real pandemic, but at the same time, it still somewhat precedes its official beginning.
After all, what can be called the beginning of the official coronavirus story? Probably, the discovery of the first cases of pneumonia of unknown origin in the city of Wuhan in late December 2019. But this is December 2019! And the exercises called “Event 201” took place in October 2019.
And then, the real issue is not in the first registered cases.
Only on December 31, 2019, did the Chinese authorities inform the World Health Organization (WHO) of an outbreak of this unknown pneumonia.
Only on January 22, 2020, was Wuhan quarantined. According to media reports, 11 million people live in Wuhan, and almost all of them are staying in their homes. People are scared of the deadly virus. To prevent its spread, the authorities decided to cancel all the trains and airplanes going to Wuhan.
Only on January 30 did the WHO recognize the new coronavirus outbreak as an emergency.
Only on March 11, 2020, did the WHO announce that the outbreak had become a pandemic.
So, everything that can officially be called the prologue to the pandemic lasted from December 2019 to March 2020. And “Event 201” is dated, I repeat, October 2019. It is thus located quite close to the beginning of this coronavirus epic and at the same time far enough away from this beginning. Therefore, it is not uninteresting what exactly this “Event 201”, also called a high-level pandemic exercise, was.
This is what Johns Hopkins University itself reports:
According to the “Event 201” scenario, there is an outbreak of a new zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs and people.
This outbreak leads to a severe pandemic.
During the first year, there is no way to obtain the necessary vaccine.
There is a fictitious antiviral drug that can help patients, but it cannot limit the spread of the disease.
The “Event 201” scenario ends with 18 million people dying 18 months later.
The pandemic begins to slow due to a decrease in the number of susceptible people. The pandemic continues until an effective vaccine is created or until 80–90% of the world’s population is exposed to the disease.
Does this remind you of anything? And this is close to what later happened in reality?
December 12, 2019, Forbes magazine returns to the description of “Event 201”. That is, the “Event” has passed, but there is no pandemic yet. It says the following:
“The experts ran through a carefully designed, detailed simulation (“Event 201” – S.K.) of a new (fictional) viral illness called CAPS or coronavirus acute pulmonary syndrome. This was modeled after previous epidemics like SARS and MERS. The scenario was quite realistic… There were even prepared ‘news’ clips from a fictional GNN, with health experts and talking heads pontificating, and flashy graphics showing the spread of the pandemic. At various steps, the experts discussed possible interventions and needs – were there adequate supplies of masks, for example?
Surveillance and data collection are spotty (we are still talking about the “Event 201” pandemic exercise. – S. K.) as some LMIC (low- and middle-income countries) don’t have the capacity to obtain specimens that wealthier countries do. As in other, real epidemics, responding to the logistical supply issues was complicated by false or misleading news reports, by on-line trolls, and by some people who just seem to want to sow discord and chaos. Driving people underground and forcing them to hide illness fuels epidemics and travel and trade bans can devastate economies. 
None of these prevent the spread of an epidemic spread by air – or waterborne – transmission.
As the CAPS virus spread in the simulation, supplies were stretched and distribution was disrupted.”
The conclusions note that the best response to a pandemic requires global cooperation, and the rise in nationalism and protectionism in various countries are viewed as obstacles.
And finally, on January 17, 2020, the same Johns Hopkins University notifies the public that the next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences. Efforts to prevent such consequences or to respond to them as they unfold will require unprecedented levels of collaboration between governments, international organizations, and the private sector.
In other words, the creation of a world government.
Hunters for fakes and conspiracy theories! What part of the information I presented belongs to this category? I give only other people’s completely objective data. Respectable data. I’m not citing reports from spiteful critics who are trying to make something else out of what is happening, but information from the organizers of the event under discussion, and from media outlets that advertised this event, without introducing any conspiracy theories.
So, on October 18, 2019, a pandemic exercise called “Event 201” will be organized by Johns Hopkins University. The exercise considers a hypothetical situation, not just close to what will happen soon thereafter, but fantastically close to what happened, amazingly close.
And from October 15 to October 28, 2019 (can there be such coincidences?) in the city of Wuhan, the Military World Games were held. A US delegation was present at the games, with 200 participants. The games ended in late October.
And in December 2019, an infection with the virus, subsequently named COVID-19, was first recorded in Wuhan.
That is the chronology.

Google trad poru ceux uqi en parle pas anglais où ne veulent pas voir la vidéo.

Un autre cas récent, rapporte le journal, implique un résident du Queens de 31 ans nommé Kevin Corrales. Fin juillet, il était sur le siège arrière d'une voiture en direction d'une plage de Long Island lorsqu'il a commencé à manquer d'air. "C'était terrifiant", a-t-il déclaré. « J'étais vraiment à bout de souffle. J'aurais dû être transporté d'urgence à l'hôpital. Ils pensaient que j'exagérais.

Nous sommes en août 2019, c'est pourquoi les Chinois interrogent les Américains : ne voulez-vous pas finir d'enquêter sur tous ces incidents ? Il y a trop de choses qui se sont passées en même temps !

Le prochain événement, « Event 201 », ne peut en aucun cas être classé comme le produit de certains mythes de théoriciens du complot. Divers médias réputés ont passé beaucoup de temps à le mâcher sous de nombreux angles différents. « Event 201 » est le nom d'un exercice pandémique organisé le 18 octobre 2019 (il est clair qu'il est proche du début de l'hystérie des coronavirus, mais pas immédiatement) à New York par le Johns Hopkins University Health Safety Center.

Outre l'Université Johns Hopkins, le Forum économique mondial et la Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates ont participé à l'organisation de ces exercices pandémiques de haut niveau.

Je voudrais attirer votre attention sur le calendrier de ces exercices de pandémie. Le 18 octobre 2019 est une date intéressante. Elle est assez proche du début de la véritable pandémie, mais en même temps, elle précède encore un peu son début officiel.

Après tout, comment peut-on appeler le début de l'histoire officielle du coronavirus ? Probablement, la découverte des premiers cas de pneumonie d'origine inconnue dans la ville de Wuhan fin décembre 2019. Mais nous sommes en décembre 2019 ! Et les exercices appelés « Event 201 » ont eu lieu en octobre 2019.

Et puis, le vrai problème n'est pas dans les premiers cas enregistrés.

Ce n'est que le 31 décembre 2019 que les autorités chinoises ont informé l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) d'une épidémie de cette pneumonie inconnue.

Ce n'est que le 22 janvier 2020 que Wuhan a été mis en quarantaine. Selon les médias, 11 millions de personnes vivent à Wuhan et presque toutes restent chez elles. Les gens ont peur du virus mortel. Pour éviter sa propagation, les autorités ont décidé d'annuler tous les trains et avions à destination de Wuhan.

Ce n'est que le 30 janvier que l'OMS a reconnu la nouvelle épidémie de coronavirus comme une urgence.

Ce n'est que le 11 mars 2020 que l'OMS a annoncé que l'épidémie était devenue une pandémie.

Ainsi, tout ce que l'on peut officiellement appeler le prologue de la pandémie a duré de décembre 2019 à mars 2020. Et « Event 201 » est daté, je le répète, d'octobre 2019. Il se situe donc assez près du début de cette épopée du coronavirus et à en même temps assez loin de ce commencement. Par conséquent, il n'est pas inintéressant de savoir ce qu'était exactement cet « événement 201 », également appelé exercice pandémique de haut niveau.

C'est ce que l'Université Johns Hopkins elle-même rapporte :

Selon le scénario « Event 201 », il y a une épidémie d'un nouveau coronavirus zoonotique transmis des chauves-souris aux porcs et aux humains.

Cette épidémie entraîne une grave pandémie.

Au cours de la première année, il n'y a aucun moyen d'obtenir le vaccin nécessaire.

Il existe un médicament antiviral fictif qui peut aider les patients, mais il ne peut pas limiter la propagation de la maladie.

Le scénario « Event 201 » se termine avec la mort de 18 millions de personnes 18 mois plus tard.

La pandémie commence à ralentir en raison d'une diminution du nombre de personnes sensibles. La pandémie se poursuit jusqu'à ce qu'un vaccin efficace soit créé ou jusqu'à ce que 80 à 90 % de la population mondiale soit exposée à la maladie.

Cela vous rappelle-t-il quelque chose? Et c'est proche de ce qui s'est passé plus tard dans la réalité ?

Le 12 décembre 2019, le magazine Forbes revient sur la description de « Event 201 ». C'est-à-dire que «l'événement» est passé, mais il n'y a pas encore de pandémie. Il dit ce qui suit :

« Les experts ont parcouru une simulation détaillée et soigneusement conçue (« Événement 201 » – S.K.) d’une nouvelle maladie virale (fictive) appelée CAPS ou syndrome pulmonaire aigu du coronavirus. Cela a été calqué sur les épidémies précédentes comme le SRAS et le MERS. Le scénario était assez réaliste… Il y avait même des clips d'actualité préparés à partir d'un GNN fictif, avec des experts de la santé et des têtes parlantes en train de pontifier, et des graphiques flashy montrant la propagation de la pandémie. À différentes étapes, les experts ont discuté des interventions possibles et des besoins – y avait-il un approvisionnement suffisant en masques, par exemple ?

La surveillance et la collecte de données sont inégales (nous parlons toujours de l'exercice pandémique « Event 201 ». - S. K.) car certains LMIC (pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire) n'ont pas la capacité d'obtenir des spécimens comme les pays les plus riches le font. Comme dans d'autres épidémies réelles, la réponse aux problèmes d'approvisionnement logistique a été compliquée par des informations fausses ou trompeuses, par des trolls en ligne et par certaines personnes qui semblent simplement vouloir semer la discorde et le chaos. Conduire les gens dans la clandestinité et les forcer à cacher leur maladie alimente les épidémies et les interdictions de voyager et de commerce peuvent dévaster les économies.

Aucun de ceux-ci n'empêche la propagation d'une épidémie propagée par voie aérienne – ou par voie hydrique –.

Au fur et à mesure que le virus CAPS s'est propagé dans la simulation, les approvisionnements ont été épuisés et la distribution a été interrompue. »

Les conclusions notent que la meilleure réponse à une pandémie nécessite une coopération mondiale, et la montée du nationalisme et du protectionnisme dans divers pays sont considérées comme des obstacles.

Et enfin, le 17 janvier 2020, la même université Johns Hopkins informe le public que la prochaine pandémie grave entraînera non seulement de graves maladies et des pertes de vie, mais pourrait également déclencher des conséquences économiques et sociétales en cascade majeures. Les efforts visant à prévenir de telles conséquences ou à y répondre au fur et à mesure qu'elles se déroulent nécessiteront des niveaux de collaboration sans précédent entre les gouvernements, les organisations internationales et le secteur privé.

En d'autres termes, la création d'un gouvernement mondial.

Chasseurs de faux et de théories du complot ! Quelle partie des informations que j'ai présentées appartient à cette catégorie ? Je ne donne que les données complètement objectives des autres. Des données respectables. Je ne cite pas des rapports de critiques malveillants qui essaient de faire autre chose de ce qui se passe, mais des informations des organisateurs de l'événement en discussion, et des médias qui ont annoncé cet événement, sans introduire de théories du complot.

Ainsi, le 18 octobre 2019, un exercice de pandémie appelé « Event 201 » sera organisé par l'Université Johns Hopkins. L'exercice considère une situation hypothétique, non seulement proche de ce qui se passera peu de temps après, mais fantastiquement proche de ce qui s'est passé, étonnamment proche.

Et du 15 au 28 octobre 2019 (peut-il y avoir de telles coïncidences ?) dans la ville de Wuhan, se sont déroulés les Jeux Mondiaux Militaires. Une délégation américaine était présente aux jeux, avec 200 participants. Les jeux se sont terminés fin octobre.

Et en décembre 2019, une infection par le virus, par la suite nommé COVID-19, a été enregistrée pour la première fois à Wuhan.

C'est la chronologie.
Plaristes Evariste
Plaristes Evariste

Messages : 25190
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2020

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Re: Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par Plaristes Evariste Jeu 9 Déc - 18:20

Les conclusions notent que la meilleure réponse à une pandémie nécessite une coopération mondiale, et la montée du nationalisme et du protectionnisme dans divers pays sont considérées comme des obstacles.

Et enfin, le 17 janvier 2020, la même université Johns Hopkins informe le public que la prochaine pandémie grave entraînera non seulement de graves maladies et des pertes de vie, mais pourrait également déclencher des conséquences économiques et sociétales en cascade majeures. Les efforts visant à prévenir de telles conséquences ou à y répondre au fur et à mesure qu'elles se déroulent nécessiteront des niveaux de collaboration sans précédent entre les gouvernements, les organisations internationales et le secteur privé.

En d'autres termes, la création d'un gouvernement mondial.
Plaristes Evariste
Plaristes Evariste

Messages : 25190
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2020

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Re: Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par Plaristes Evariste Jeu 9 Déc - 18:24

And that was just the beginning.
About 20 days pass after the Munich skirmish, which, with all the restraint of Wang Yi’s position, marks something new in US-Chinese relations, or at least feeling out some new possibilities for building these relations on a more confrontational basis.
March 11, 2020, we got the opportunity to become acquainted with what is happening at a meeting of the House of Representatives of the US Congress. Dr. Robert Redfield, the head of the CDC – the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is invited to a meeting.
Congressman Harley Rouda notes that the number of test kits is insufficient and access is lacking to these kits. And he asks Redfield, who is responsible for providing all this: “Were these test suites available last Friday?”
Redfield replies, “Yes, sir.”
Rouda, continuing to interrogate Redfield, says, “Thank you.” And he continues, as if not noticing that Redfield does not recognize the fact of insufficient test kits, “And if somebody dies from influenza are we doing post-mortem testing to see whether it was influenza or whether it was COVID-19?”
Do you hear what the congressman is saying? A congressman, not Chinese opponents or conspiracy theorists. A US congressman!
Redfield continues to evade. Then Rouda takes the bull by the horns and asks Redfield, “So we could have people in the United States dying for what appears to be influenza when in fact it could be the coronavirus or COVID-19”
Redfield replies, “Some cases have been actually diagnosed that way in the United States today.” That is, he confirms that there were cases of COVID-19 diagnosed as influenza.
He didn’t say anything about how this is in any way related to the lab shutdown at Fort Detrick, to the cases in August and even earlier, when people were presenting with severe respiratory distress, and everyone was confused about what it was, and there were no tests. He is only saying, “some cases have been actually diagnosed that way in the United States today.” In other words, he’s confirming that there were COVID-19 cases that were diagnosed as the flu.
I remind you that a similar statement was made by the same Robert Redfield, who, along with others, back during the “Red Dawn” times under Rumsfeld, that is, about 15 or more years before, planned the project of the first total quarantine, which would have been justified through a Chinese biological attack. This is the same Redfield.
Since this is so, we will have to say something about this Redfield and some people associated with him.
Redfield is a prominent American virologist with a military background. As a virologist, he obtained his knowledge in laboratories at Columbia University, which studied the effects of so-called retroviruses (these are RNA viruses – viruses without DNA, which insert a copy of their genome into the DNA of the host cell and thereby cause the disease).
Columbia University is a symbolic place.
But Georgetown University is even more symbolic. Redfield graduated in 1973 from the College of Arts and Sciences at Georgetown University, and he completed medical school there in 1977.
Georgetown University, like Columbia, is the CIA’s home turf. And, of course, this is an institution where the influence of the Jesuits is very significant. This is not a conspiracy theory – it is historically and politically obvious. Is Georgetown not related to the Jesuits? Who are you telling this to? Anyone who studies American elites knows this.
Redfield, after becoming a Doctor of Medicine, worked at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC), which is named after the yellow fever researcher. This center and that Fort Detrick, which is under constant discussion in connection with talks about the artificiality of the coronavirus and the US trail in this story, are part of a single whole.
Prior to becoming director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the administrator of the Toxic Substances and Disease Registration Agency, Redfield was a full-time professor of medicine and microbiology at the University of Maryland, not far from Fort Detrick.
Redfield co-founded the Institute of Human Virology there in 1996.
From 2005 to 2009, i.e. under George W. Bush, Redfield was a member of the Presidential Advisory Board. This council had a narrow specialization (he focused on HIV), and a wider specialization. In fact, it was a biological weapons council.
Redfield was involved in the closed project to establish a total quarantine because he already had these positions.
People who have examined Redfield’s career constantly emphasize that he had an inappropriately close relationship with Shepherd Smith’s non-governmental group, which consists of fairly radical evangelicals. At the same time, Redfield himself is a devout Catholic.
In particular, this was the reported on August 17, 2018 by Washington Post.
This is what is being said about Shepherd Smith, with whom Redfield is so closely associated. But first, about the source.
The origins of Shepherd Smith’s high-profile contacts are detailed in memos, letters, and military documents in an archive of AIDS research records at the University of Michigan.  Kaiser Health News examined hundreds of pages there to help assess the Trump administration’s approach to health policy and AIDS treatment and prevention.
So information about Smith and others is not from conspiracy theories. It is historical and archival in nature, based on specific documents.
According to this information and his own acknowledgements during a series of interviews with Kaiser Health News (these are his own words) in the late 1980s, Shepherd Smith developed relationships with scientists even as other religious leaders balked at the idea of getting involved in AIDS prevention efforts, because you cannot save homosexuals.
Under Smith’s direction, Redfield who then worked at Walter Reed Army Medical Center joined the advisory board of Smiths’ organization Americans for a Sound AIDS/HIV Policy – ASAP.
Redfield also served as chairman and an advisory board member of another organization Smith and his wife later founded.
According to a government transcript stored in the University of Michigan archives, Smith sized up Redfield swiftly when they first met. “He was as happy to see us as we were him,” Smith said in an interview with military investigators. Their relationship deepened as the activist and scientist rose in prominence. Smith’s letters to Walter Reed officials, which both investigators and journalists have familiarized themselves with suggest this.
Smith, who secured CDC dollars for Americans for a Sound AIDS/HIV Policy in the 1980s, regularly stopped by Walter Reed to see Redfield and others who joined the organization’s board, according to military records in the archive.
Under Smith’s direction, ASAP touted Redfield’s vaccine research as being “the most important scientific advancement in the epidemic to date.”
In turn, as ASAP chairman, Redfield called the group “the most effective AIDS/HIV organization I know” in its 1991 annual report.
It’s like a mutual admiration society.
Now about this Shepherd Smith, who influences Redfield in such a great way.  But, does he influence only him?
Shepherd Smith met in the White House with President George W. Bush. He is one of the religious leaders who congregated around Bush.
The presidency of Donald Trump has provided the evangelical community with the opportunity to reaffirm their role both in defining US global health strategy and in ensuring that religious organizations in the US and around the world have the opportunity to receive public funds for the implementation of their strategy regarding infectious diseases.
Shepherd Smith is an evangelical Christian who worked as a political strategist with Pat Robertson, a former Southern Baptist pastor who ran for US presidency in 1988.
Shepherd Smith’s wife, Anita, served as co-chair of Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS under President George W. Bush. I emphasize once again that this Council was concerned with much more than just HIV.
It is believed that Redfield owes a great deal to his connections with the Smiths for his appointment to the high post of head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Another person associated with these same Smiths, and this is also established by researchers and journalists, is Deborah Birx, who was appointed coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force on February 29, 2020.
Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to discuss these figures in more detail. But since they are closely associated with US Vice President Mike Pence, something needs to be said about Pence.
Pence is a Catholic who was “born again”, gradually shifting toward the evangelical church, the New York Times said. This junction of evangelicals and Catholics is extremely interesting. To a significant extent, this shift happened because of his wife Karen.
In 2016, Pence, who had previously supported Trump’s rival, Senator Ted Cruz, was offered the vice presidency under Trump. And he agreed.
As Vice President, Pence created a Bible study group made up of members of the Trump administration and is heavily influenced by the evangelicals.
On February 27, 2020, Donald Trump assigned Vice President Mike Pence to take control of government measures to combat the spread of coronavirus in the United States.
Pence calls himself a Catholic evangelical. He described Putin as a “small and bullying leader.”
Pence is known for saying: “the Russian bear never dies, it just hibernates.”
Pence has emphasized many times that he draws inspiration from Russell Kirk, the author of The Conservative Mind. All this definitely cannot be examined without a certain connection to global restructuring.
Thus, the Pence-Redfield-Smith-Birx link, defining everything related to the coronavirus, and much of what is associated with biological weapons, is very clear. Finding this link has nothing to do conspiracy theories. It is obvious to everyone who studies the American elite. For the American military, investigators, journalists. And of course, it (that’s what I want to emphasize!) is largely defined by Rumsfeld’s long-standing initiatives on total quarantine among the civilian population, despite the fact that the need for this quarantine will supposedly come from a Chinese biological attack on the United States. This initiative has already included Redfield and others.

Apprnez l'anglais où regardez la vidoé traduite en Français il ya des articles en anglais dans les sources alors.....
Plaristes Evariste
Plaristes Evariste

Messages : 25190
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2020

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Re: Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par ztylo Ven 10 Déc - 8:38

Prince a écrit:Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Nexus_10

mars avril 2019 - avant le covid

Vous êtes fort Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) 1557821339
Vous avez ce qu'est Nexus au moins en matière de magasine ? Vous n'allez pas me dire que vous postez des âneries sans vérifier vos sources
Un petit copier pour résumer, en gros c'est le Closer de la science

En fait de science, le lecteur non averti peut facilement se laisser avoir par le jargon scientifique et technique pour couvrir des théories totalement fumeuses. Le fil conducteur de tous les articles de la revue, c'est que la " Science officielle " ignore en fait tout et que sa seule ligne de conduite et d'opprimer et d'exclure tous les " vrais " chercheurs et de censurer toutes leurs découvertes formidables . Toutes les thèses hallucinantes défendues dans la revue découlent de cette vision paranoïaque : y sont remises en causes la biologie cellulaire, la loi de Lavoisier(2), l'origine virale du SIDA etc..

Messages : 4298
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2021
Localisation : occitanie

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Re: Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par Plaristes Evariste Ven 10 Déc - 11:18

Regardez les vidéos ils mentionnent beacoups de choses qui datent de Mars 2019, dans la cellule aube rouge !

Je crois que ces parties de la vidéos ne sont pas dans les articles..

Ça fait beaucoup de coïncidence.
Plaristes Evariste
Plaristes Evariste

Messages : 25190
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2020

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Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus) Empty Re: Incroyable : lisez bien la date de ce magazine (Nexus)

Message par Plaristes Evariste Ven 10 Déc - 11:20

On May 2, 2020, the main Chinese newspaper, People’s Daily, which plays a more important role than the newspaper Pravda did in 1970, very sharply rebuts US accusations against China, which the US says is to blame for humanity’s problems because of the coronavirus. People’s Daily suggests that the United States answer 10 questions related to the coronavirus pandemic and the US role in this pandemic. I will list these questions, for this is very serious. I will just quote People’s Daily.
“1)  Regarding the restarted avian influenza virus modification experiment last year, why does the US release no more updates?
What is it all about? What does the People’s Daily ask? About artificial viruses and experiments on virus modification.
“2) The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) was previously closed.What is the truth behind?”
Isn’t it because there were some leaks? Isn’t that what they mean?
“3) The US Department of Health and Human Services ran a scenario last year that was similar to the COVID-19 outbreak. Is this just a coincidence? ”
Commenting on this statement, People’s Daily writes that this question is being asked because The New York Times had quoted a report in March that members of the US government received. The report said that from January to August 2019, the US Department of Health and Human Services worked on a scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion” which simulated a fictional outbreak involving a group of tourists who visited China and became infected with a new virus, and then scattered into different countries, including the United States.
Remember this name – “Crimson Contagion.” This is not a conspiracy theory – it is an official Chinese reference to official US document.
In this scenario, People’s Daily writes, a fictitious “CAPS virus” was introduced. It caused more serious symptoms than the real coronavirus, and it was also transmitted through the respiratory tract like the regular flu. In addition, it also caused a pandemic, as was the case with SARS. The scenario also stipulated that there was no vaccine against CAPS.
“4) US intelligence officials warned of coronavirus crisis as early as last November. Why the warning was ignored?”
Despite these warnings, the People’s Daily writes, a state of emergency in the United States was declared only on March 13 this year.
“5) Among the reported influenza deaths in the US, can the US clarify how many cases are actually infected with COVID-19?
“6) When did the novel coronavirus first appear in the US? Did community transmission of the coronavirus start sooner than it was reported?
7) How did the US get the virus strains so soon to start the first human testing of a vaccine against COVID-19?
8) Why did the US government keep downplaying the pandemic while its officials privately dumped stocks?
9) Why are US experts not allowed to discuss COVID-19 in public?”
This is reported by “People’s Daily”, can you hear me? You think of it as simply dictated by Xi Jinping. Or discussed at the Politburo.
“10) What research is being done in the US overseas biological laboratories? Why does the US keep tight-lipped about it?”
Even after all this has been written, will we say that it is not necessary to discuss the artificial nature of the coronavirus (while this is the only thing that the high-ranking Chinese comrades are doing here!) because such discussions are fake news?
On May 7, 2020, TASS reported, citing CNBC, that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did not see any reason to doubt the conclusion of the US intelligence community that the new coronavirus was not of artificial origin.
Why make such a statement? The Secretary of State was asked to clarify this issue, since he himself announced on May 3, 2020 that the virus was created artificially.
According to TASS, Pompeo claimed that Washington has evidence that coronavirus allegedly began to spread from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. However, on May 4, Anthony Fauci, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in an interview to National Geographic that there is scientific evidence that the new coronavirus mutated in the wild without any human intervention.
Pompeo, in an interview of May 7, emphasized that attempts to contrast his words with the opinion of the chief infectious disease specialist in the US (quote) are “aiming to confuse and create friction inside the United States government.”
“The intelligence community has conducted its analysis with the information that it has. It has said that this was not a man-made virus. I’d see no reason to dispute that,” said the Secretary of State.
Did he have reasons on May 3? This means that some infectious disease specialists who have an opinion different from that of the Secretary of State, but apparently the same as Vice President Pence, are causing confusion and friction with their reasoning. Pompeo does not say what is right and what is not. He says that there should be a consolidated position on this issue. Sometimes it seems that Pompeo says something, and then a mess begins, and not only in the United States. Such a bold hypothesis is also possible.
Plaristes Evariste
Plaristes Evariste

Messages : 25190
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2020

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